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The History of the Monkey

Posted on Jan 14, 2016

Here at Monkey Joe’s in Houston Texas, we love entertaining children and make their parents’ lives easier. From our birthday party options to a fun Saturday, your child will have a blast bouncing, and sliding with us at our bright, 

Monkey Joeand colorful bounce house! We realised, however, that many of our patrons both young and old, did not know our history, so we thought we would enlighten you!

Monkey Joe was an actual money, who was furry and purple, and lived on a super secret island called Coco-nutty Island. This island was home to many, many monkeys that were all different colors, some of which had stripes and polka dots! Monkey Joe was a healthy and happy little monkey who spent his days frolicking about and surfing the ocean waves. One day, when Monkey Joe was climbing the tallest coconut tree on Coco-nutty Island he slipped, and fell. Rest assured though, he was not hurt! He bounced off of a patch of vines and moss that had grown over a rabbit hole in the ground.

It was this that first inspired him to gather his friends and look around the island for other spots to jump and play, because little monkeys love to play! They ended up finding a smooth rock covered by wet algae that made an ideal slide! With all this new-found fun, Monkey Joe could not possibly keep it all to himself. He left the island to share his bouncy, slidey fun with kids at Monkey Joe’s Party and Play Centers across the country! He will come by for a guest appearance at your child’s party and other events if you ask him!