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Quick Trick-or-Treating Tips

Posted on Oct 14, 2016

Yes, it’s time for trick-or-treating already! Maybe you already knew that because you have been planning your family costume for months, or maybe this is the reminder you need to start planning how to make a Black Widow costume in a few days. Either way, our team at Monkey Joe’s values safety outside just as much as we do inside our playground. We wanted to offer a few quick tips to make sure you have a safe and fun Halloween night!


Wear Comfy Shoes

Ok, this may not be all about safety, but we’re looking out for your sanity here. This goes for those wearing costumes and those walking as chaperones. Yes, Cinderella wore glass slippers, but Cinderella didn’t have to walk half a mile. Try to offer another suggest for pretty shoes they can wear instead!

Find a Group

Not only will trick-or-treating be fun for your and your kids, but it means there are more eyes looking out for cars, stray dogs, and the dangerous sidewalk bump. This also gives your chance to coordinate costumes and maybe go as the whole Avengers squad!

Flexible Props

While we’re on the subject, be aware of props made of hard plastic or metal. While they make look good for a picture, they could possible get in the way while walking or cause your little ones to stumble. Try to find swords or shields made of rubber to complete the Halloween costume.

We hope these tips help you have a fun-filled night! Enjoy the candy and the extra energy that comes with it. If you need an indoor playground to help expend the energy, you know where to go!