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What Does It Take to Make a Difference? A Glass of Lemonade!

Posted on Jun 06, 2017

Help Fund Childhood Cancer Research

You don’t have to have a job, a car, or even a driver’s license to make a difference. The smallest kids can have the biggest hearts, and at Monkey Joe’s Pointe Orlando, we're continually inspired by the passion and caring displayed by the kids who visit our Jungle. One such child has inspired millions of people to give back. Help fund childhood cancer research by giving to Alex’s Lemonade Stand this June.

Why Alex’s Lemonade Stand Inspires Us

When Alexandra Scott was four-years-old, she knew a lot of kids who were fighting cancer. That's because she was, too. After being diagnosed as a baby, she became a bright light to the doctors and patients at her hospital. But Alex had more than a bright spirit. She had determination to help others. She wanted to find a way to help support the families dealing with the disease and to help fund a cure. So she did what any little girl would do: started a lemonade stand. Alex and her brother raised over $2000 that first day, but that was only the beginning. Today the Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation has raised millions of dollars the help support kids and families, fund childhood cancer research, and raise awareness about the disease.

Donating to ALSF at Monkey Joe’s

We want to make it easy for families to donate to a worthy cause. How can you give? Just visit Monkey Joe’s for a day of summer play. We’ll be hosting a special fundraiser throughout the month of June. Drink lemonade, donate at the register, and let the kids contribute from their piggy banks. We’ll take care of the rest!

Visit Monkey Joe’s Pointe Orlando this June to help support Alex’s Lemonade Stand.