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Step Up Your New Year’s Resolution Game at Monkey Joe’s!

Posted on Dec 18, 2017


It’s almost the end of the year! Is your family making New Year’s resolutions? You know the saying about those: easy to make, harder to keep! Well don’t panic, because Monkey Joe’s Pointe Orlando is here to help you out with some of the most common ones.

  • Stay Active/Get Healthy - It’s no secret that exercise is good for kids’ bodies, brains, and moods. The sort of active fun available at Monkey Joe’s will help your kids get more exercise, leading to better moods, increased concentration, and even decreased symptoms of anxiety and depression. Bedtime will be easier and you’ll never hear the dreaded wail “I’m boooored!”
  • Spend Less Money - Not only are our regular prices affordable, but we’re discounting them even further right now! Have you heard about our Christmas promotion on Frequent Jumper Cards? Right now through Christmas Eve, they’re $10 off! Save a bundle on ten visits and give your little monkeys a great gift at the same time.
  • Spend More Time with Loved Ones - This one’s a no-brainer! Schedule a playdate with old friends, or a back-to-school event with classmates. If mom and dad need a break, a day in the Jungle is a great time with grandma, grandpa, aunts, uncles, godparents, and more.

Remember that you never need an appointment, assigned time, or scheduled party to have fun at Monkey Joe’s Pointe Orlando! Swing down to visit us any time and get working on the other most popular New Year’s resolution: to live life to the fullest!