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Play Hard with Summer Playdates in Orlando

Posted on May 17, 2016

Summer signals the arrival of greater heat and humidity, but also fun. However, outdoor environments are not always conducive to healthy and safe play in the hot Orlando summer. Consider having your next Orlando playdate at Monkey Joe's indoor inflatable playground!

kids playgroup

Cool Down

Taking the kids outside has its merits, but with average summer temperatures in the 90s, doing so can also be dangerous. Some children have conditions that make the heat even more of a hazard for them. No matter how your kids respond to the hot and humid environment, you can keep them safer by visiting an indoor play area that is cool, climate-controlled, and comfortable.

Other Outdoor Elements

When the kids are outside, you also have to combat bugs that carry disease and bring pain, rain that can ruin even the most enthralling day, and powerful sun rays that cause burns and irritation. An indoor play space is free of these issues that can burden even serious outdoor fans.

Affordable Fun

As you are researching the prices of various summer activities, you notice that the cost is more than you can afford. For families, especially those with more than one child, a day out can turn into a budget-breaking activity. Fortunately, the indoor play space offers affordable options. You can even sign up for the Frequent Jumper Card, which is $89.95 for 10 admissions.

Less Work

Even if you decide to have the kids' friends over to play inside, you are still left with a mess at the end of the day. Just say no to cleaning up after a day of monkeying around; instead come to Monkey Joe's for easy, affordable fun... And come home to a clean(ish) house at the end of the day!