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New Year’s Resolution: Get Moving!

Posted on Jan 08, 2016

Ready, set, GO FOR IT!January is a natural point for a fresh start, a time to set goals and get inspired for the new year. For many folks, New Year's resolutions are personal, but this year, why not make a resolution with your whole family? 

Most kids and adults alike do not get enough exercise these days, so take the challenge to move more in 2016!

At Monkey Joe's, we're proud to give kids a place where they can enjoy active play in a safe, clean, indoor environment. No matter what the weather is like outside, you can always come to our indoor playground for hours of jumping, bouncing, climbing, sliding, and more. Take a look at our tips for getting your family more active in the new year!

  • Get the whole family involved. Brainstorm with your spouse and kids to find ways you can all be more active together. For instance, you could all agree to park in very back of the parking lot every time you go to the mall, take the stairs instead of the elevator, etc. 
  • Make it fun. Show your kids that exercise can be enjoyable by choosing fun activities. Bring them to Monkey Joe's to jump around in our inflatables, take a family "hike" in your neighborhood, or let them try a new activity outside of their usual sports. 
  • Be consistent. While variety is the spice of life, it's also important to be consistent with physical activity. You don't have to do the same activity every day- in fact, you probably shouldn't if you or your kids are prone to boredom- but you should definitely do something each day to get your body moving and your heart rate up. 

Photo by Ryan McGuire via Pixabay