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Kids Helping Kids in Pointe Orlando

Posted on Feb 23, 2017

Donate Food at Monkey Joe's

One of the most amazing things about kids is their capacity to give. We’re continually inspired by the generous hearts of the children who come to Monkey Joe’s. And we want to foster their spirit of goodwill! This is the month for big kindness. After all, February is all about the love!

Kids Helping Kids in Pointe Orlando

Kids look at the world in a way many grown ups have forgotten to. They’re giving, kind, and nurturing to people in need in Pointe Orlando. We want to help them help others! That’s why we’re introducing Kids Helping Kids, a canned food drive that lasts all month. What do you need to know about giving back?

  • Participate in Kids Helping Kids every Monday through Thursday in February.
  • Bring in a canned food item for Second Harvest Food Bank.
  • You’ll get a special $6 admission on play time at Monkey Joe's for the donation.
  • Bring more than one can of food! Families can get up to 4 discounted admissions for donations
  • Tapped out your discount? You can still give. Bring as many cans of food as you can carry!

Who Is Second Harvest Food Bank?

Second Harvest is a food bank focusing on the needs of Central Florida residents. Their goal is to make sure no child goes to bed hungry. Florida has one of the highest rates of food insecure kids in the U.S. 1 in 6 Central Florida kids has known what it’s like to be hungry. But with your  help, Second Harvest can make that number smaller every day!

Thank you for giving at Monkey Joe’s Pointe Orlando.