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Get Those Hearts Pumping!

Posted on Feb 03, 2017

Why Kids' Heart Health Matters

When you think Februrary, you think hearts. After all, with Valentine's Day just around the corner, every store is decorated with red and pink heart decorations. But did you know it's also American Heart Month, which teaches adults and kids about the importance of heart health? At Monkey Joe's Pointe Orlando, we offer a fun way for kids to keep their hearts healthy through exercise. Here's why exercise is important for a healthy heart:

  1. Exercise is a key element to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Don't make your body work harder than it has to. Active playtime is a great way for kids to stay healthy, which helps their hearts.
  2. Exercise makes your heart stronger. When a muscle is exercised, it becomes stronger and stronger. Your heart is a muscle, and during exertion, it pumps harder. Aerobic exercise gets your heart pumping, and jumping and bouncing is a great way for kids to get aerobic exercise.
  3. Increased blood flow as a result of your heart pumping faster. Better blood flow can clear obstructions in your arteries. That means your heart won't have to work as hard, protecting you in the long run.
  4. Decrease blood pressure. High blood pressure is an ailment in 1 in 3 adults. However, aerobic exercise 3 to 5 times a week is a drug-free way to fight high blood pressure, while strengthening your heart. When kids stay active, they're limiting the risk of developing high blood pressure as grown ups.
  5. Decrease the chances of contracting heart disease. Twenty minutes of aerobics 3 to 5 times a week will also decrease kids chances of developing heart disease as adults.

Aerobics provide multiple benefits to kids' heart health, so take a look inside Monkey Joe's Pointe Orlando and teach your kids the value of having fun and staying active.