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Bouncing Back to School

Posted on Aug 04, 2017


Can summer really be over already? It seems like only yesterday we were getting ready for summer, but now the school year is already upon us! Here at Monkey Joe’s we have some back to school tips to help make things easier.

  • Start Early. Starting school again, or for the first time, is a big adjustment. Bedtimes in particular can get a little lax during vacation, so start moving them back towards school-year norms a week or so before.
  • Talk it Out. Are your kids nervous about meeting new friends or afraid of harder school work? Kids may be sad or anxious without really understanding why, so schedule some time to sit down and talk with them about their feelings. The more you know about what they feel, the more you can work through it as a family.
  • Wear Them Out. Physical activity is so good for kids! Regular exercise helps with memory, concentration, and mood, all of which help with school performance. With so much time at desks and in front of screens during the school year, bring kids down to Monkey Joe’s Pointe Orlando and wear them out for bedtime. Why not get together with old friends or new classmates for a playdate in the Jungle?
  • Let Kids Help. The more kids feel involved in school prep, the more excited they will be! Give them age-appropriate tasks; younger kids can help pick out supplies and keep lists, while older kids can compare prices and look for sales.

Check out our hours and come see us whenever we’re open--Monkey Joe’s Pointe Orlando is your source for back-to-school fun!