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3 Ways to Give Your Kids a Healthier Holiday Season

Posted on Nov 20, 2015

Thanksgiving is coming up next week, kicking off a season of festivities, from school parties and church events to family gatherings and neighborhood cookie swaps. While it's undoubtedly one of the most fun and exciting times of the year for kids and adults alike, it's also easy to fall into unhealthy habits. With sweets everywhere you look, overindulgence is easy, and school breaks can interfere with kids' regular routine of active play, sports, and P.E. classes. So, what can you do to help your kids have a healthier holiday season? Read on for some tips! 

  • Make sure to eat regular meals instead of just snacking on party foods. Before attending a holiday party or event where you know there will be lots of junk food, feed everyone a light meal/heavy snack. It's easier to pace yourself on the sugar cookies or chips-and-dip when you're not ravenous!
  • Be a good influence. If you're attending a potluck event or treat swap, bring something healthy so there's at least one nutritious option. 
  • Get active! Turn up the Christmas station and have a family dance party. Limit screen time. And of course, kids always love coming to Monkey Joe's, where they can play hard and have fun climbing, sliding, and of course jumping on, in, and around our many exciting inflatables!

To get the most "bang for your buck," pick up one of our Frequent Jumper Cards! 

Photo by PublicDomainPictures