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Ways Your Heart Benefits From Exercise

Posted on Feb 08, 2017

Exercise is important at any age… and when you have little ones it’s your job as an adult to make sure they are getting the exercise they need to make sure they are going to have a healthy heart. Your heart gets great benefits from exercise; regardless of your age, you should know that you will benefit from exercise even if it is a little that you are doing. Some of the benefits that you can see from exercise include:

  1. Exercise makes your heart stronger.
  2. Exercise lowers the risk of weight gain and obesity.
  3. Exercise at an early age helps you to exercise when you get older.
  4. It increases good cholesterol levels.
  5. It allows the heart to produce more oxygen to the muscles.

These things and others are great for the heart at any age and it’s important that your child gets the exercise they need to help them grow big and strong. You don’t have to have them exercise in the general sense… a great way for them to get the exercise they need is to bring them to Monkey Joe’s! You will see all of these healthy heart benefits and more in your kids when they come to Monkey Joe’s… not only are they going to have an enjoyable time that’s filled with fun, laughs and exercise but they are going to be exercising and they won’t even realize they are!