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Stay Safe While Trick-or-Treating

Posted on Oct 14, 2016

Here we are again -- time for trick-or-treating! Or it’s coming up in a few weeks. We are willing to bet your little monkeys have been thinking of costumes ideas all month. Maybe an Avenger or a Disney Princess. We can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with this year. But most importantly, just like we stress safety at Monkey Joe’s Lexington, we wanted to offer a few safety tips while you’re out knocking door to door!


Teach Traffic Rules

If you have young kids, this could be a great time to teach them the rules of the road! Start by planning out your route and printing off a copy. You’ll be able to see what intersections you may cross, and where there are stop signs. You can tell them about looking both ways before crossing the road, too. It never hurts to be teaching, even on a fun day like Halloween!

Flexible Costume Props

Like it or not, running around the neighborhood tends to happen on Halloween night. Encourage your kids to take it slow, but just to be safe make sure any props they have aren’t likely to hurt them as they run! Props like rubber swords or shields are much safer than hard plastic.

Skip the Mask

While we’re talking about costumes, try to encourage costumes that don’t require a mask. They’re known to limit their field of view! If your kids are insistent on wearing a mask, be sure to keep them close by and watch where they’re walking -- they might not be able to see a bump in the sidewalk as they’re trick-or-treating!