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Smooth Sailing into School

Posted on Jul 28, 2017


The start of school is just around the corner! Parents are probably excited about the end of summer vacation, but kids may not be. If you’re dreading your kids’ reaction, here are some tips to ease the transition from summer to school!

  • Start Early. Bedtimes and morning schedules can get pretty lax during the summer. A few weeks before school starts, start moving the schedule back towards school year norms. The earlier you start, the more time kids will have to adjust. A few hours of active fun at Monkey Joe’s in Lexington will help tire them out so they sleep better!
  • Let Kids Help. Getting kids involved helps them feel in control of their own destiny. Depending on what works best for their age, let them look for coupons and sale listings, handle the lists, choose between different items, and keep track of the budget when shopping for clothes and school supplies.
  • Talk It Out. Plan a special outing with kids, and talk to them to find out what they’re anxious about. Is it the loss of freedom? Fear of not being able to make new friends? Worries about schoolwork? Knowing what kids are worried about will help you work through it as a team. Plus, if it’s something more serious like bullying, you’ll have time to address the issue with teachers and school administration.

The transition back to school can be tough, but with a little extra effort you can smooth it for both your kids and you. And don’t forget that Monkey Joe’s is always there for special family time!