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It’s Time To Be Thankful

Posted on Nov 29, 2016

December of 2016 starts this week. Let that sink in for a minute. We can’t believe we’re 11/12 done with the year. We hope you had time last week to visit with your relatives and friends and enjoy a great Thanksgiving meal! It gets busy this time of year no matter how much you try to slow down, and we did not want to get too far into December without sitting down to think about everything we have to be thankful for this year!

What We're Thankful For

Great Food

Yes, we know we talk about this a lot, but November and December have to be some of the best months for cooking in America. We’ve already started diving into the leftovers from our annual Thanksgiving meal to make turkey sandwiches, and we’ll be disappointed when the last piece of pie is gone. We also know we can take food for granted, and we’re thankful that we’re able to put food on the table for our family every night.

Family and Friends

This is pretty much a given every year and everyone always say this, but that’s because without our friends and family we wouldn’t know where we would be! We also have to take moment to be thankful for Skype and Facetime for letting us stay connected to those that don’t live close by. It may not be the same as an in-person conversation, but it definitely helps!

This Community

Being a part of the Lexington community is something we’ll never take for granted. We wouldn’t be where we are today without the support from you through reviews, word of mouth about our birthday parties, and smiles when you come by to visit. We plan on being part of Lexington for a long time!