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Rock Your Resolutions in 2018, Camp Hill!

Posted on Dec 21, 2017


You know what they say about New Year’s resolutions: easy to make, harder to keep! At Monkey Joe’s Camp Hill we’re going to try our best to keep our resolutions this year, and we’ve been doing a lot of research on how to make that happen. Check our some of our tips for keeping New Year’s resolutions!

  • Start Small. Rather than resolving to change every single behavior, pick just a couple. Swap out one or two bad habits for good ones, and then as you get used to those you can add more.
  • Be Specific. Rather than something general like “eat better,” or “exercise more,” get specific. “Participate in one physical activity every day” or “eat a vegetable with each meal” is a lot easier to measure!
  • Add Fun. The more fun your resolutions are, the more you’ll want to keep them. Why not get more exercise by scheduling more playdates or parties at Monkey Joe’s?
  • Reward Yourself. Set up a star chart to measure your family’s progress. Once you’ve reached a certain number of stars, reward yourself with a treat of some type--like a Monkey Joe’s Frequent Jumper Card!
  • Forgive Yourself. Everyone makes mistakes! Don’t beat yourself up for slipping. Shame isn’t a good motivator--when you feel bad about yourself, you’re less likely to have the willpower to change. Resolve to be kinder to everyone this year, including yourself.

No matter what you’re resolving to do, make sure that you share your journey with friends and loved ones. We hope to see you at Monkey Joe’s Camp Hill in 2018!