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Family Fun Makes Great Memories

Posted on Jul 20, 2016


We still have a few weeks left of summer, so take advantage of longer days by spending meaning time with your family. After all, it is important to make family time a priority before the hustle and bustle of back to school season takes over! Before you know it, the kids will be busy with after school activities and homework. Over the coming weeks, we challenge you and your family to participate in one of the following family-friendly activities:

1.     Make Dinner Together: Families usually come together around the dinner table, but we recommend putting a special twist on dinner time and bringing the family together in the kitchen! Have your kiddos help plan your dinner menu and prepare your meal together. Not only will you have fun together, but you will be teaching your kiddos important cooking skills!

2.     Plant a Garden: The best way to make dinner together is with produce that you grew yourself! Get your kids to help you grow some fresh and healthy plants. Teaching them how to maintain and care for plants is also a useful life-skill that will benefit them as they grow up!

3.     Go Fishing: Send the phones to voicemail and head out to the water together for a fun day of fishing. Fishing can be considered a rite of passage for a lot of people, and is a great way to spend quality family time. Check out some of these tips for taking your little ones fishing! And remember, safety first.

5.     Take a Trip to Monkey Joes! Bouncing, jumping, and sliding… Your kids can do it all here! Bring the family to our playground for indoor fun together. You will love that our playground is air conditioned and your kids will love bouncing off our walls!