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Exercise and Brain Function in Kids!

Posted on May 19, 2017

Regular exercise is one of the best things kids and adults alike can do for their overall health and quality of life. Physical activity has long been known for it’s health benefits, but did you know that those benefits extend to the brain? That's right! While exercise can strenghten your muscles and cardio, it can also boost brain function. Monkey Joe's, located in Camp Hill, PA, is a big proponent of the many health benefits of exercise, and now we encourage you to bounce around Monkey Joe's for a better brain too! Check out some of the benefits bouncing around Monkey Joe's has on your child's brain!

  • Increased Learning – Brain chemicals called growth factors are released when we exercise. Growth factors help to make new brain cells and therefore help us to learn easier!
  • Focus - We all have trouble focusing from time to time, but kids especially can struggle with this. It has been show that a short break of 20 minutes for activity can really help a child focus on a task much more diligently than if they had done nothing before.
  • Reduced Stress – When someone exercises chemicals that calm the brains like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine are released at an increased level.

These benefits of excerise on a child's brain extend even beyond these three great things! Keeping the physical activity fun is key to keeping them engaged in exercise. If you are having trouble getting your child interested in exercise, Monkey Joe's is here to help! Our indoor play center is jam packed full of fun activites for your child to enjoy. They won't even realize it's exercise!