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Bounce Into the Jungle for Fun Any Time!

Posted on Sep 22, 2017

You know Monkey Joe’s in Camp Hill is the best place to have a party headquarters, but did you know that no one ever needs appointments or reservations here? Check out our favorite reasons to be spontaneous and walk-in at the Jungle right now:

  • Playdates After School. Getting together with new classmates or old friends to blow off steam and have fun doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. We’re open way later than schools are. Just pick a date to meet!
  • Beat the Sunday Blues. Next time the family is feeling down about Monday morning and the coming week, pack everyone up for a visit to Monkey Joe’s. Exercise is a great mood-booster, and so is escaping the house!
  • Get Ready for Homework. Jumping in the Jungle between school and homework can help get studying off to a good start! Not only is active play at Monkey Joe’s a fun break after classes, but exercise has been shown to help with symptoms of attention problems, anxiety, and depression. Think how much better you feel after taking a short walk, and then multiply that by all the bouncing at Monkey Joe’s.
  • Reward Yourselves. Nobody likes being stuck in the car running errands, and spending all day doing chores can make us crazy! Treat yourselves with a trip to Monkey Joe’s. Sports teams, choirs, and other extracurricular groups also deserve a reward after working hard at practice.

Check out our Frequent Jumper Cards to get the best price per visit to Monkey Joe’s Camp Hill!