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Your Kids Are Safe At Monkey Joe’s!

Posted on Jun 06, 2016

As parents ourselves, we understand one of your biggest concerns for your kids is their safety. We'll do just about anything to make sure they're in good hands wherever they go! June is National Safety Month, and we're pumped to tell you how Monkey Joe's of Appleton keeps your kids safe! 

  • Waivers are required. No ifs, ands or buts on this one! A waiver is required for a few reasons; 1) we want to educate you on potential dangers of jumps and 2) make you aware of our rules and regulations. You can sign our waiver online or in store!
  • We keep it sanitary. Hygeine and safety go hand in hand, because germs are dangerous! Check out our recent blog post on how we keep our facility squeaky clean
  • We have wristbands. Something unique to Monkey Joe's is our wristband system. Upon arrival you and your child will receive matching wristbands. When you leave, a staff member will make sure the wristbands still match, so every child leaves with the right people. 
  • We have video surveillance. Just in case we missed a situation while it's happening, we have tapes to look back on to solve any monkey business!
  • We play by the rules. A list of all our rules can be found at the bottom of our waiver. We know children can get rough at times, so we have rules like no pushing, flipping, throwing things, etc. 
  • Our staff is attentive. While your kids are your priority to watch, our staff is there to assist. We'll keep a close eye to make sure rules are being followed!

And there you have it! Want to learn more about safety? Give us a call at (920) 954-5437 for more info! We hope to see you in soon for some summertime fun!