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Tips For Safe Trick Or Treating

Posted on Oct 18, 2016

Halloween is undeniably a fun holiday. Between pumpkin carvings, scary movies, candy galore and haydrides, there's plenty of festivities to gear up for the big holiday. But as far as safety is concerned, this is the number one holiday to be weary of (because let's admit, there's a ton of crazies out there)! We want your kids to be a safe as possible as they head out for trick or treating. Here are our best safety tips!

halloween safety tips

Dress the part.

This may sound like a small safety measure, but it's a big pay off! Make sure your kids costumes and wigs are flame resistant, the masks and hats fit properly, and they've got on proper shoes for walking a distance. If you decide to throw on makeup as well, test it out on your hand first to make sure you don't get a reaction. If your kid's costume includes an weapons like swords, light sabers, etc, make sure they are made out of a soft material. It might be smart to also find outfits with reflective lights. If you cant find one with lights, try attaching them yourself. 

Keep it healthy (ok, somewhat).

Sounds unrealistic right? Not true! You can keep Halloween somewhat healthy. Before the kids go out, make sure they've had a hefty meal, so they'll be less tempted to eat a bunch of treats when they return. Make sure to ration out their treats for the week, designating 2-3 pieces for each day and placing them in ziploc bags. Also important to note; candy is not always candy. Before they dive into their bags, go through their goodies and throw away any items that looked opened, spoiled or tampered with. We won't even go into the stories we've heard!

Trick or treat with caution.

It's important that any group of children under the age of 12 should always be supervised by an adult. If the group of children is 13 and older, they can go by themselves, however it's smart to map out a route and make sure each child has a cell phone and flashlight. It's also important for the kids to stay on the sidewalks, and only cross at crosswalks. Schedule a time for them to meet back at the house, and tell them to never ever go inside a house if someone asks!

These are just a few of our favorite tips, but there's plenty more to take note of at SafeKids.org. We hope everyone has a safe and happy Halloween! Monkey Joe's of Appleton is the ultimate clean, safe and fun environment for any holiday celebration. Join us on Friday Oct. 28 for our Halloween Party to get the weekend kicked off right! We'll have prizes, giveaway and more. We'll see you soon!