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Spend More Time With Your Kids In 2016 At Monkey Joe’s Appleton!

Posted on Dec 22, 2015

We're excited to ring in the New Year at Monkey Joe's Appleton! Every year we come up with New Years resolutions (or multiple if you're ambitious)! This year our resolution is to see more families spending time together in our Appleton location. If you're looking to spend more time with family as your New Years resolution, here are a few tips to maximize your time in 2016!

  • Make a priorities list. Make a checklist of your daily tasks and ask yourself with each one; "what will happen if I don't do this?" It's impossible to make time for everything; but if it's important enough, you can find out how to make it work!
  • Take advantage of your resources. If you can use a baby sitter, do it! Check to see if your laundry delivers, or if you can plan out all of your errands without having to change directions. Make sure to thank these people later that you received help from!
  • Make household chores a family event. Even simple tasks such as folding laundry and toy pick up can be family fun time! Don't be afraid to get goofy and be creative with ways to make chores fun. 
  • Plan a weekly outing. FInd a time where the whole family can get together each week and make it a weekly tradition. For example, go get pizza on Wednesdays or have Monday movie night!

Another great way to spend family time together is to bring the kids to Monkey Joe's Appleton! You'll be able to watch your kids interact with other little monkeys on our obstacle courses, inflatables, arcade games and more. Looking to ring in the New Year with us? Check out our Facebook page for more info on our New Years event! Want to stop in after the holidays? Here are our prices and walk in information. We hope you have a great holiday and hope to see you and your family in soon!